People Getting Tired (audio)

"People Getting Tired (feat. Blaxxstorm)"
2nd single from B.P.M. EP (Blaxx Powered Music)

"I've been tired of the injustice we get all my life… Made this with my sis Wendy a.k.a Blaxxstorm after Trayvon's murder hoping I could get it out before we forget how they treat us… but they're on a roll, and they won't stop until we make them, by letting them know how we feel and stand our ground, stop being enemies towards each other and team up against the real enemy. Lets show them that we respect and value our selves, KNOW OUR WORTH, and TELL THEM WE'RE NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE!!! IF YOU AGREE WITH MY SISTER ON THIS TRACK PLEASE SHARE , AND LETS START THIS REVOLUTION NOW!!! P.S. I'M CALLING ON ALL MY FELLOW ARTIST TO USE YOUR TALENTS AND PLATFORMS TO KEEP IT REAL AND LET IT BE KNOWN THAT WE ARE TIRED OF IT AND WON'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" - Joe Blaxx